I was the feature; due to eye problems, my daughter Jozie helped me with the reading
... or maybe it's just to keep on keepin' on ...
For all of those who have passed on, from wherever or whenever you may be
Just (barely) in time for Mother's Day! This was my mother's favorite tune, although she wasn't so sure about the second part of it...
... and this is for my daughter Jozie, who is also a mother of two boys and the expectant mother of a baby girl. Pardon the jokes at your expense, babe; I do love you...
My favorite season and a favorite tune
Because of the lyrics (which I don't sing), I often think of this as my theme song...
A story, then a medley of The Star Spangled Banner and Makin' Whoopee - because it's what we do these days..
This is the only thing I have ever composed (as opposed to arranged) so far; I never know what to call things, so Opus #1 seemed apt. At least it implies there might be more...