Hello. I'm tommywart. There's no caps here, except the ones I wear; I'm just an ordinary guy. A horse with no other name.
What I do here is my business, in the sense that it's what I'm really all about. It also means that it's none of yours unless you come here for it; there's no sharing this with others on social media (except the videos; I have no control over that, since they came from the Internet anyway). To be on social media, it seems you have to be either social or a terrorist/troll, and I'm neither. Really. In reality, like Marlene Dietrich, I jus vant to be lef alone.
But I'm willing to share this much of me, if you're willing to come here to look for it. It's gonna be music and me blabbing at you in a blog, and maybe some prose and poetry and some pictures and what-have-you. Maybe you'll find it interesting enough to come back for more. Hopefully, I will too. If I do and you want to know about it, you can sign up for an email blast from the future.
Otherwise, don't talk to me. There's no comments section here. If you really want to contact me, there's a spot where you can do that if you want to email me. I may or not respond - nothing against you, but I'm doing most of my talking here. So far, this place is for me; it's not a place for you to air your agenda, your grievances or your laundry, or your differences of perspective.
Beyond that, if you like what you see, come back; if you think anyone else might like it, tell a friend. (You do have friends, don't you?) With me it's strictly word of mouth. My mouth to your ear. The rest is up to you.